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Bully: What Everyone Needs to know About Bullies, Bully Behavior, and Bullying Solutions


"Bullying is unwanted aggressive conduct , stopping it is a solution"

What is Cyber Bullying?


Cyber bullying is using the internet and other form of wireless communication devices for harassment or harmful behavior. In cyber bullying, the internet, cell phones, and various forms of social media are aggressively used to insult, taunt, embarrass, misrepresent, threat, or belittle another individual with devastating results that could lead to suicide.




What Are the Dangers Of Cyber Bullying?



All bullying is dangerous; however, cyber bullying is uniquely dangerous. It is uniquely dangerous in that it is negative public communication with a private or more likely hidden face. Often you do not know the cyber bully. The anonymous nature of this type of bullying increases the threats and distress. Daily threats and aggressive messages via social media from numerous and anonymous individuals have forced several teens and some adults to end their life.



Does Gender influence Cyber Bullying


Cyber bullying is used by all genders as well as LGBTQ community members. In general boys tend to participate in physical bullying. They are generally aggressive in the pushing, hitting, slapping,and punching aspect of bullying. On the contrary, girls or females use a more indirect type of bullying, particular in cyber bullying. Females generally spread rumors, text gossip, lie, create isolations wards, send anonymous unflattering views to associates, and sometime create a hate philosophy for the victim. Cyber bullying is wrong, and is used by all genders. The chief difference between gender use is style or format.



Click here to access bully depot's database of previous bullying items.




Bully Depot's permanent feature is Bully Tips and Bully Emergency. Bully tips are trends and tactics used by bullies. It is a warning of things to watch. Bully Emergency is a clear and present danger. It is an urgent situation in which teachers and others should take immediate action to prevent serious student injury. Bully emergency suggest danger or possible lost of life. Always take appropriate action. Book mark this message.



Warning: Bully Emergency


Emergency: Food allergies have produced another form of bullying called,"Food Bullying." Some extremely cruel bullies are placing peanut products in the path of allergic students. They are placing peanut by products including husk, shells, and spreading peanut butter on lunch boxes, desk, food products, lockers, cafeteria trays or any place they can to watch reactions from allergic students. This is cruel and dangerous be aware.